Accept rules
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Our review
Some ground rules.
These are set and enforced by the moderators.
[General] Stay legal. Respect international laws, including the laws of the United States (where this server is hosted) and the laws of your own country.
[General] You have 48 hours to comply with or respond to a request from staff before you run the risk of moderation action (post deletion, account strike, etc.).
[Behavior] Be respectful. Personal attacks, dogpiling, harassment, hate speech, racism, transphobia, etc. are prohibited. Do not post misinformation.
[Behavior] No screenshot dunking or unsubstantiated callouts. Do not post screenshots of other posts just to add negative commentary. Callout posts must include proof of their claims.
[Account] You must be 18 years of age or older to create an account on this server.
[Account] Ban evasion is prohibited. You may not create another account on this instance if your previous account was suspended.
[Account] Bot accounts are permitted within sane reason. They must be clearly marked as bots in the profile description.
[Account] Neither avatars nor headers may contain anything that would require a strong content warning (i.e. NSFW).
[Content] Regarding Content Warnings, we require CWs on public (non-follower only/mentioned only) posts that are clearly adult content. For other content, please use CWs as per the Content Warnings section of the About page.
[Content] No posting fully/primarily AI generated art. Using AI as a tool for your own art creation is allowed, however your own work should be transformative.
[Content] Adult content depicting characters who are or blatantly appear to be under 18 is strictly prohibited.
[Content] Adult content depicting non-sapient animals is strictly prohibited. Quadrupedal characters are allowed but they must be sentient.
[Content] When posting art that you did not create, credit the artist in the body of your post.